About Our Church
Whether you are new or a long time attendee we invite you to learn a bit more about who we are and where we are going.Our Mission & Vision
Love God. Love People.
Although life changes, our purpose remains the same. Our God-given mission can be summarized in a single sentence: “We are about loving God and loving people.” This core purpose finds its origins in the words of Jesus who said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40).
We are in this together! We are pressing on towards the goal set out for us in Christ Jesus.
Our History
The first Baptist church to be built on this side of the Lake was the Newcastle Creek United Baptist Church (7 Wharf Road). It was built in 1846. Newcastle Creek United Baptist Church became the mother church for all the Baptist churches in this area.
In 1871 approximately 50 members from the Newcastle Creek church asked for permission to leave so they could form another church at Newcastle Bridge. On May 31, 1871 the 50 members got organized and Newcastle Bridge United Baptist Church was constructed.
In 1926, a group from the Newcastle Bridge church desired to build a church in Minto. Land was donated and the construction of the Minto United Baptist Church began.
For many years one pastor served all three churches. But in the early 90’s Newcastle Bridge and Minto decided to merge and build a new facility. Sod turning took place in April 1996 and construction began. Our present church was built by the hard work of its members. On April 20, 1997 our beautiful building was dedicated to the glory of God. We endearingly called our family the United Baptist Church of Minto.
May the vision and commitment of those earlier members inspire us to new levels of greatness in God’s Kingdom. We believe God, who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion in Christ Jesus.
“I’ve been a part of UBC Minto my entire life. I’ve attended a number of different churches, due to life changes, travel etc… but UBC Minto is “home”. The people are fantastic. The sort of folk you can talk to and rely upon any day of the week, not just an hour on Sunday morning. It is a great place to worship.”
-Britt Bancroft
Church Staff

Donalda Cole
Administrative Assistant
Donalda has served on staff at United Baptist Church of Minto since 2009. No one knows more about the inners working of UBCM than Donalda!
Donalda serves in the office, on the worship team and in a number of other ministry capacities.
Donalda and her husband Tom have three grown children and live in the Minto area.

Nathan McEwen
Lead Pastor
Nathan started his ministry at UBCM in September 2022.
Nathan is a strong believer in being involved in the community and reaching out with the gospel message. His heart’s desire is to pursue Jesus’ mandate to love God and love people through his ministry in Minto.
Nathan and his wife Maggie serve on the worship team and share a passion for youth ministry.
They also have a son named Bennett who was born in February 2023.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a typical Sunday Morning service look like?
A typical Sunday morning service is an hour long. We usually begin with a few minutes of musical worship followed by a short-time of prayer and one more song set before the sermon. Our pastor will then share a 20 minute message from the Bible and we will close the service in song. You will often find people chatting 10-15 minutes before and after our service.
What kinds of things does the pastor address in his sermons?
Sometimes we will take several weeks and go through a book of the Bible or we may pick a specific theme to explore for a set number of weeks. We often cover topics such as, love, fear, hope, finding peace in the midst of struggle, truth, obedience and what it really means to be a follower of Christ. We would love for you to come and explore some of these topics with us.
Are there programs available for my kids on Sunday morning?
We are excited to introduce a new youth and children’s ministry that will be available to kids from 3-13. This ministry will run during the Pastor’s sermon. After the second set of worship songs the pastor will invite the youth to join the ministry leaders for a time of biblical teaching and games geared for their age group. This ministry is set to begin mid-February 2023.
Are there programs available for my kids during the week?
Prior to COVID-19 we offered a Wednesday night program during the fall and winter months called “Kid’s Rock”. Kid’s Rock was for children from grades 1-6. Everyone was welcome and there was no cost to attend. The program ran from 6:00-7:00 pm and includes games, a snack, a story and a time of singing. We are considering starting this ministry back up again. Please contact the church office for more information.
Do I need to dress up?
Absolutely not! We would love for you to show up wearing the same thing you would any other day of the week (yes, even those stylish “ripped” jeans). We would encourage you to come as you are!